How to Earn Money Online with Amazon:
If you are looking for earning money online, Amazon’s associate offer is up for grabs! If you promote Amazon’s products on your site, you can earn up to 15% of the product’s value as your referral commission. You may have an investment, but not for Amazon directly, but for building and maintaining a website. With an initial investment of less than $10, you can start earning quite a lot with this program. Here is what you need to do.You need a blog or websiteWebsite is better, because Amazon will manually go through the provisions you have in your website before it approves your associate account. Learn basics of html coding and editing. You just need to know which part to copy and paste and which part to delete. Knowing this will help you post the right links and make few adjustments of your own.Choose the nicheBe specific with the products you want to promote. You have to be master of one to earn money. Jack of all trades becomes a loser here. Choose a category of products you personally have interest in. If you like photography, stick to promoting photography accessories, tools, etc. This is going to be a long term process and you will have to post reviews continually. Choosing a category you have no interest in can be setback.Sign up for Amazon associatesBy signing up for this program, you accept the fact that you will promote products from Amazon on your website by posting links, banners, and/or widgets. Once you sign in, for every product you will find this grey strip that will give a personalized link to that product from your website.Every time someone clicks on that link, comes to Amazon and buys the product, you earn a maximum of 15% commission.
Using Amazon associatesAmazon can turn your website into this online shopping mall without the need for any big programming skills! Apart from offering links and widgets to their website, you can start an aStore in your website. This aStore enables the user to add Amazon products to their shopping cart right from your website. It is like a mini retail outlet of Amazon.You can also promote Amazon’s affiliate sites such as and earn 15% referral commission. What you do is build links from your site to Amazon. By doing this you are not only earning money, but doing yourself a favour. How? When you link your site to a popular site, your search engine ranking goes up. When someone searches for a keyword associated with your site, your website will be in top few results. This will in turn bring more traffic to your site. And we all know what a good news it is to have loads and loads of traffic!Amazon advertising APIThis is an advanced form of advertising for developers. By using this program in combination with Amazon associates, you can use advanced resources from Amazon to advertise the products.
Placing ads in your website and blogsYou basically need lot of traffic in your website to make a sale and hence earn the commission. To attract traffic, you need to make your website good looking, easy to access, rich of competent keywords and with truthful reviews.Links can easily get incorporated in your site content or review. Banners take up space around your content. You can choose whichever type of promotional tool you want according to the needs and provisions of your website.If your visitors click on your link to Amazon only to find a broken link or a totally different product, they are going to lose their faith in you. Hence, by being truthful and maintaining quality, you are securing your spot as a permanent website for people to come back to.Promote your site to promote Amazon productsThis can get tricky. You want to promote your site, to promote Amazon products. For this purpose, you can use other platforms such as social networking and blogs. People visit your site and look at the products you are trying to promote from Amazon. If they find it interesting enough to buy, they might click the link. Due to Amazon’s credibility, you have a very high percentage of actually making a sale!Getting paidAmazon keeps track of all your links and referrals. It has certain fixed percentage for all the category of products as referral commission. Your associate profile page will have all the details regarding your earnings. You can cash that through check, PayPal and other methods that will be available once you sign up for it.
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